
João de Sousa

Quarta-feira, Janeiro 29, 2025

UN Committee Against Torture asked for the immediate release of Abdallah Abbahah

Isabel Lourenço
Isabel Lourenço
Observadora Internacional e colaboradora de porunsaharalibre.org

The United Nations Committee Against Torture demanded from the Moroccan Government last May urgent measures to be put in place immediately concerning Mr. Abdallah Abbahah, Saharawi political prisoner of the Gdeim Izik Group.

According to our sources, an individual complaint was presented to the Committee against Torture (CAT) in May this year by Mr. Abbahah’s lawyer, Maître Olfa Ouled.

The CAT answered Immediately after receiving the complaint that included a request for urgent measures and asked the Moroccan Government to put an end to the prolonged isolation that Abbahah is enduring now for 8 months.

Mr. Abbahah should be released regarding his health status, the Committee said.

Interim measure are given by the CAT as a protection until the final decision on the case is given.

Maître Olfa Ouled did not want to comment on the ongoing procedures in the Committee against Torture since these procedures are lengthy and confidential.

But the defense lawyer of 18 political prisoners of the Gdeim Izik Group reaffirms that she will continue to fight on the legal front to protect the life of these innocent men who are dying. According to her, all the group has to be protected since injuries are caused to their health.

Morocco is not respecting the agreements and covenants it has signed, in this particular case the Convention Against Torture and the Optional Protocol of the same Convention.

The European Union, however, channels millions of Euros to Morocco that is presented as a “poster child” for development in Human Rights.

A theater façade without any resembles to the bitter truth of a country that illegally occupies Western Sahara and abductes, tortures and holds the Saharawi population in a 21stCentury Apartheid with the silent consent of the Internacional Community.

It is not for me to comment on the proceedings at the Committee against Torture before the final decision. What I can say is that we decided, in agreement with the families of my clients, to take all necessary measures to prevent any of the prisoners from dying before the general indifference, something very likely to happen, since they were left abandoned and their conditions of detention have been degrading since the decision of the Court of Appeal in 2017.”

Abdallah Abbahah is in hunger strike since 1st of October,  he was sentenced to life in prison and has been brutally tortured and is a victim of constant ill-treatment, harassment, racism, physical abuse and medical negligence since his arrest.

It seems that Morocco does not only comply with the CAT interim measure but increased the ill-treatment against Mr. Abbahah, according to his family’s testimony he is in a cell with only three thin blankets and in an abhorrent health situation.

Mr. Mohamed Bourial is in hunger strike since 12th of October, 18 days today. He was put in a punishment cell on the 12th of October known as Kacho, one of the worst punishments that has severe psychological effects. He does not have access to his medicine that he need daily.

Mr. Bourial was also severely tortured during his detention time and was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

El Bachir Khadda who was condemned to 20 years in prison entered his hunger strike on September 18th being today in his 42nd day.

His internal organs are severely affected, he is unable to walk, his vision is blurred and his general health state is that of a dying man.

Mr. Khadda was once tortured because during the visit he exchanged a smile with his mother. One of the many times he suffered the brutality of the Moroccan repression machine. Since 16th September last year, he was put in Tiflet2 prison and in prolonged solitary confinement, which amounts to prolonged torture.

Khadda, Abbahah, and Bourial are in Tiflet2 prison over a 1300km distance from their hometown and families and known to be one of the worst prisons in Morocco.

Mr. Hassan Dah sentenced to 20 years is in hunger strike since the 19th of October, when he was put in isolation because he presented an official complaint against the fact that he was not allowed to enroll in university to pursue his doctor studies.

Mr. Hassan also denounced the torture he has been subjected to since his arrest, he is currently in Kenitra prison 1200km from El Aaiun.

Mr. Abdel Jalil Laaroussi of the same group, for whom Amnesty launched an urgent appeal following his prolonged isolation and his health status,  didn’t see any evolution in his situation.

The Saharawi political prisoners of the Gdeim Izik Group currently in hunger strike are in an alarming health state but the same applies for all the rest of the group which is dispersed in several prisons in the Moroccan Kingdom.

The prisoners of the Gdeim Izik group were unlawfully detained in 2010 and have been victims of arbitrary arrest, extreme physical and psychological torture and two unlawful trials without the minimum respect of law or human rights by the Moroccan authorities.

Morocco has to show that it respects the Committee Against Torture and it’s decision or there is no point in adhering to the Convention Against Torture other than to use it for Propaganda to obtain funds which ultimately allow the Kingdom to have the economic means to torture and abduct Saharawi citizens.


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