
João de Sousa

Quarta-feira, Julho 17, 2024

Cibersegurança: Três interessantes e reveladoras notícias

Três notícias do site intelligenceonline.com que recomendamos sobre cibersegurança.


Europeans weigh up potential costs of Huawei ban

Broadsided by the US sanctions against Chinese electronics giant Huawei, European governments are trying to find a way to preserve their national security without sending the price of 5G networks through the roof. […]



AIVD tries to keep cyber-enemy equipment out of The Hague

Concerned about the growing number of cyber-attacks in the country, the Netherlands’ intelligence service, the AIVD, is considering an unusual […]



Paris looks to secure hackers’ careers

France’s chairman of the joint chiefs-of-staff, or CEMA, Francois Lecointre, and General Olivier Bonnet de Paillerets, the head of France’s […]

Exclusivo Tornado / IntelNomics

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