
João de Sousa

Segunda-feira, Março 3, 2025

A Royal Navy vai proteger as águas britânicas dos pesqueiros europeus

Em caso de “no deal” no Brexit, a Armada britânica está pronta a interditar as águas britânicas aos pescadores da UE

Em caso de “no deal” no Brexit, a Armada britânica está pronta a interditar as águas britânicas aos pescadores da UE, a partir do próximo (já muito próximo…) dia 1 de Janeiro 2021.

O Guardian revelou o plano de Londres para defender o seu peixe…


Four navy ships to help protect fishing waters in case of no-deal Brexit

Four Royal Navy patrol ships will be ready from 1 January to help the UK protect its fishing waters in the event of a no-deal Brexit, in a deployment evoking memories of the “cod wars” in the 1970s.

The 80-metre-long armed vessels would have the power to halt, inspect and impound all EU fishing boats operating within the UK’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), which can extend 200 miles from shore.

Naval sources said the deployment had been long planned, but it comes after Conservative ministers quietly doubled the total fleet of patrol ships from four to eight, partly in case of a crisis caused by a no-deal Brexit. “We have done a lot of work to ensure we are ready for every eventuality,” one insider said.

Although the offshore patrol ships carry machine guns, they would not be expected to use weapons against EU fishing boats. Instead they would aim to run alongside a vessel believed to be breaking the rules, boarding it for inspection if deemed necessary.

In extreme cases, an EU boat could be impounded and taken to the nearest UK port. “Nobody is going to be firing warning shots against French fishermen; firearms are only used when there is danger to life,” the navy source said…

Continua a ler: Four navy ships to help protect fishing waters in case of no-deal Brexit


Exclusivo Tornado / IntelNomics

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