
João de Sousa

Sexta-feira, Janeiro 24, 2025

Grécia reforça componente naval da defesa

Com a escalada em curso no leste do Mediterrâneo, era muito previsível: Atenas adquire a França mais duas moderníssimas fragatas.

O ‘twitt’ é da ministra francesa da Defesa e a notícia é do Defense Industry Daily.

French Armed Forces (Defence) Minister Florence Parly tweeted on October 10 that she had signed a letter of intent with her Greek counterpart, Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos, for the acquisition of two Frégate de Défense et d’Intervention (FDI) defense and intervention frigates to equip the Hellenic Navy starting in 2023. However, Panagiotopoulos declared to the press that there was “a long way to go” before an agreement is reached regarding the final (technical) configuration of the frigates. France is procuring five FDIs of its own under the “Loi de Programmation Militaire“ 2019-2025 military funding program in a program conducted by the „Direction Générale de l’Armement“, the French armament procurement agency, in co-operation with the French Navy, Naval Group, Thales, and MBDA. The Armed Forces Ministry expects the FDI to account for one-third of French frigates by 2030, with the first two to be delivered in 2025.”


Exclusivo Tornado / IntelNomics

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