
João de Sousa

Quarta-feira, Março 19, 2025

Levanta-se reacção global contra a China

Do Indo-Pacífico à Europa passando por África, são cada dia mais os Estados que querem ver a China castigada pela sua “gestão” do coronavírus.

Ao mesmo tempo, nos Estados Unidos alarga-se o número de políticos, de opinion-makers e de eleitores que exigem a Trump que “bata forte” na China e deixe de usar “paninhos quentes” na relação com Pequim. Ou seja, falhou totalmente a estratégia de desinformação de Pequim, que começou por ocultar a verdade sobre o vírus e passou depois a uma muito agressiva guerra de informação para nos impor a sua versão, sem discussões nem direito a perguntas…

Este episódio veio demonstrar que o departamento de propaganda do PC Chinês está longe de dominar as subtilezas da guerra de informação pelos conteúdos. A Dezinformatsiya russa do velho KGB tinha uma imensa vantagem sobre os seus homólogos do PC Chinês: soube cativar e integrar na sua rede alguns dos mais sofisticados intelectuais e artistas do Ocidente. Da cultura ocidental, a dezinformatsiya chinesa mostra não perceber nada…

Assim, como lhes explicaria Sun Tsu, numa guerra de informação contra o Ocidente, só podem perder. E, em consequência, perder reputação como agora aconteceu, deixando a confiança na China a tender para zero.

O New York Times regista, no seu modo, como a China perde a guerra de informação do “vírus de Wuhan”.


A Global Backlash Builds Against China

As calls for inquiries and reparations spread, Beijing has responded aggressively, mixing threats with aid and adding to a growing mistrust of China.

Steven Erlanger | New York Times | May 4, 2020

Parada de pessoal hospitalar em Wuhan, China

BRUSSELS — Australia has called for an inquiry into the origin of the virus. Germany and Britain are hesitating anew about inviting in the Chinese tech giant Huawei. President Trump has blamed China for the contagion and is seeking to punish it. Some governments want to sue Beijing for damages and reparations.

Across the globe a backlash is building against China for its initial mishandling of the crisis that helped loose the coronavirus on the world, creating a deeply polarizing battle of narratives and setting back China’s ambition to fill the leadership vacuum left by the United States.

China, never receptive to outside criticism and wary of damage to its domestic control and long economic reach, has responded aggressively, combining medical aid to other countries with harsh nationalist rhetoric, and mixing demands for gratitude with economic threats.

The result has only added momentum to the blowback and the growing mistrust of China in Europe and Africa, undermining China’s desired image as a generous global actor.

Even before the virus, Beijing displayed a fierce approach to public relations, an aggressive style called “Wolf Warrior” diplomacy, named after two ultrapatriotic Chinese films featuring the evil plots and fiery demise of American-led foreign mercenaries.

With clear encouragement from President Xi Jinping and the powerful Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist Party, a younger generation of Chinese diplomats have been proving their loyalty with defiantly nationalist and sometimes threatening messages in the countries where they are based.

“You have a new brand of Chinese diplomats who seem to compete with each other to be more radical and eventually insulting to the country where they happen to be posted,” said François Godement, a senior adviser for Asia at the Paris-based Institut Montaigne. “They’ve gotten into fights with every northern European country with whom they should have an interest, and they’ve alienated every one of them.”

Since the virus, the tone has only toughened, a measure of just how serious a danger China’s leaders consider the virus to their standing at home, where it has fueled anger and destroyed economic growth, as well as abroad.

In the past several weeks, at least seven Chinese ambassadors — to France, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and the African Union — have been summoned by their hosts to answer accusations ranging from spreading misinformation to the “racist mistreatment” of Africans in Guangzhou.

Just last week, China threatened to withhold medical aid from the Netherlands for changing the name of its representative office in Taiwan to include the word Taipei. And before that, the Chinese Embassy in Berlin sparred publicly with the German newspaper Bild after the tabloid demanded $160 billion in compensation from China for damages to Germany from the virus.

Mr. Trump said last week that his administration was conducting “serious investigations” into Beijing’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak. He has pressed American intelligence agencies to find the source of the virus, suggesting it might have emerged accidentally from a Wuhan weapons lab, …..

Global Backlash Builds Against China Over Coronavirus


Exclusivo Tornado / IntelNomics

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