
João de Sousa

Terça-feira, Julho 16, 2024

Morocco orders Mosques to defend the legitimacy of the occupation of Western Sahara

Isabel Lourenço
Isabel Lourenço
Observadora Internacional e colaboradora de porunsaharalibre.org

In an unprecedented act, the Kingdom of Morocco uses mosques in Spain, Russia, China and the Middle East to encourage believers to  “defend” Morocco’s occupation of Western Sahara.

The “Moroccanness of the Sahara” is no longer limited to being imposed in Morocco and in occupied Western Sahara, the kingdom of Morocco now uses the Imams of the mosques in Spain, Russia, China and the Middle East as a political instrument of manipulation. The imam of a mosque in Madrid does not hide from who he received the orders and goes so far as to say: These are the directions of His Majesty (Mohamed VI) through the consulate general and associations  at his last meeting here in Madrid .” And he continues and explains that these guidelines to imams have also been given in countries like Russia and China and also in the Middle East.

Taking advantage of the prayer period, the imam instructed the Moroccan subjects present at the mosque to make political propaganda in favor of the Moroccan theses by “indications” from the King of Morocco. The video published by Fox RIF channel of Hirak (Popular Movement of Rif), documents the speech of the Imam that calls the king of Morocco “commander of the believers”.

The newspaper La Realidad Saharaui / DLRS in its edition of Tuesday, February 18, 2020 republished the video and the translation of the speech. According to the DLRS, “this video demonstrates the purpose given by Moroccan imams to mosques, which have become a center of political propaganda and support for the illegal occupation of Saharawi territory, contrary to international law. It is an appeal to the Moroccans’ violence and not coexistence with the Saharawi communities active in the diaspora, who work to raise awareness about their just and legal cause, never entering into provocations or confrontations with Moroccan communities. It is scandalous that the king himself and the Moroccan regime use the sacred places of prayer for their political maneuvers. ”


Transription and translation of the video by DLRS

The MoroccaNS  must pay attention to the national cause. Morocco, in these circumstances, needs all Moroccans to defend its cause and its country in relation to the Sahara issue. As you know, we have enemies outside Morocco who take advantage of occasions to create and fuel the confusion within Morocco. These are the directions of His Majesty (Mohamed VI) through the consulate general and associations in general at his last meeting here in Madrid. And thIS is part of the mobilizations that the commander of the believers (Mohamed VI) is making in all countries, especially in Russia, China and the countries of the Middle East on this subject.

Morocco asks that each one of you, in his place, in your residence, in your home, spread the national cause. Our cause is a winner, the Sahara cause is a winning, decisive and determined cause.

But the latest statements by the Secretary-General of the United Nations have changed the landscape and that is what requires us to be smart in this context and to defend this cause. At the moment, we don’t need demonstrations, but we need each of you to explain the national cause to our African brothers and our children, who, as you can see, know nothing about the national cause, although there are some books that talk about the national cause. That is why Morocco appeals to its children in the European community in general and in Spain in particular, because it is a country part of this issue. And everyone should be aware of this cause. These are the indications and we were ordered to send this message to all nationals, to all Moroccans to follow the national cause and defend their country. Each one for their part in the mosque, at school and at work and even with our African brothers you must explain the theme of the national cause. And thank you very much.

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